Should You Publish on Different Platforms?

Have you ever heard “To succeed, you need to post content on multiple channels”?

It’s actually true. In fact, 72% of consumers want an integrated marketing approach1.

So, spreading your content across different channels can boost your exposure.
But tackling multiple channels simultaneously can also risk spreading yourself too thin.

Imagine you’re targeting software engineers and founders. They’re two different audiences with very distinct characteristics. Using the same content for both won’t work.

Consider your risk:

Posting the same content on both platforms might cause you to lose followers everywhere, making all your fruitless.

You don’t want that.

As you’re smart (and because you love to overthink things), you might want to consider a few things before deciding how to tackle this issue.

Posting on Multiple Channels

Take Justin Welsh, for example. He manages content across nine channels as a solopreneur!

But he started with just one. Justin first built a substantial LinkedIn following before moving to Twitter.

His advice is repeated by marketing strategists like Ross Simmonds:

Ross Simmonds
@TheCoolestCool tweet saying:

"I’m a huge advocate for distributing content on multiple channels but when you’re just getting started it makes no sense to try & spread content across 20 networks. 

Start with 1. Own it. Be great at it. 

Then move to a 2nd. Own it. Be great at it. 

Rinse & repeat."

Choosing the Right Platform

The right platform is the one where:

  • Your audience hangs out, and that
  • You’re most comfortable with, that feels almost like play

Learn the ins and outs of that platform. Experiment with format, tone, length, and frequency. Figure out what type of content resonates with your audience.

As Anik Vigneault, a Marketing and Communication Specialist, advises:

Remember, your audience on each platform will likely react differently – tailor each post accordingly.

Handling Two Audiences

Focusing on one audience makes growth easier. Once you master your content process in one platform with your selected audience, THEN you can think of repurposing that content.

But serving two different audiences can be double the work. Coming back to the software engineers and founders’ audiences dilemma, ask yourself if you’re ready to manage what’s essentially two separate businesses because it takes a lot of time and effort to:

  • Know your audience
  • Manage multiple accounts
  • Find and create relevant content to post

You can still share your journey. I do light documentation on X,, and the Small Bets Community.

But aside from documenting your journey, try to excel on one platform first, focusing on ONE SINGLE audience. This will let you focus your limited time and energy and make the workload more manageable.

If you focus on one platform and one audience, your progress will be 10x faster.

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